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All products available for shopping agent service displayed on CSSBuy are from third-party shopping platforms and not directly sold by CSSBuy. Before entrusting the purchasing, you should independently verify the authenticity of the information and accept the risks associated with the quality, authenticity, etc., of the products
You need to find the seller's contact information and then send them a message. It can be an email or through a messaging app such as WhatsApp or WeChat. Once you talk to them and discuss what you want, they'll tell you how to order from there.
If you're ordering from WeChat, follow these steps:
1.Use and upload a picture of your item there
2. Navigate to Expert Buy to begin your order process
3. Paste the generated imgur link into the item link field in Expert Buy.
4. Fill out the item price, domestic shipping price, item info (such as size or colour) and the seller information.
If you're ordering from Yupoo, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Expert Buy to begin your order process
2. Paste the yupoo link into the item link field in Expert Buy.
3. Fill out the item price, domestic shipping price, item info (such as size or colour) and the seller information.
Note: All the sellers from WeChat, Yupoo or Weidian do not have buyer protection, for example, if we paid seller and he does not ship the items, or if he refuses to return your items, we would not be able to attempt a chargeback on the payment. You need to take the risk yourself.